Wild • Personal • Unique
The best way to describe Ry and Lydia’s wedding is by calling it an experience. An experience curated to their personalities. Oh! And don’t forget WILD! Lydia had sticks in her hair, so wild definitely worked! Something fun that they did was after the ceremony, they set up a stage for friends to come to share prepared stories. When we met they told me it would be similar to the NPR Moth Radio Hour- SUCH a cool way to include friends in on their story. Ry and Lydia put so much thought into their wedding. Every detail was purposeful and unique to who they are. Enjoy browsing these photos that will blow your mind.
Wedding Day Wisdom
A Message From the Bride
“Don’t do anything just because it’s tradition. Make sure your wedding is unique and meaningful to you and your guests.”

Made Possible Thanks to
Photography: Matt & Jess /// Planner: Pam Zola Weddings /// Venue: Moss Denver /// Catering: Catering by Design /// Hair Stylist: Kristy Koopman /// Hair Stylist: Eclectic Hive /// Floral: Project Floral